Grace's Projects
Dedicated to the Glory of God

Quarter Connection Whimsical  House 2023-2024
Built February - March 2024 Not for sale at this time
Although the Quarter Connection Mini Weekend was in 2023, it was late January early February 2024 before I had time to start looking at this project. I bought one of the Liz West wooden house kits. I didn't realize that the weekend would have a DIY version. I also had some quarter scale JBM Wonky Furniture kits made up for the house, even though I did buy some of the other kits that were available that weekend. I made the decision to furnish the house as I built it up the way you do with 144 scale houses. I also made the decision to take photos of the rooms as I built up the house because I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to see the rooms in photos after the house was finished. I've had that problem with many of the smaller scale houses that I've done. So I'll show photos below in order of being finished. Please note that added features to some of the rooms near the end of building so early photos might not show all of the details in the rooms. I do want to say that this was a fun project that I enjoyed very much and I found uses for many swap items that I've had for years that never quite fit into other projects. I hope you will enjoy your tour. Please forgive me for forgetting some of the names of artists who provided some of the special kits. I should have taken note of them but I forgot. If you see one of your kits in the house and contact me, I'll be glad to give you credit for those kits.  Click on photos for closer look.

I'll start with the outside of the house and include all of the yard photos before moving on to the inside of the house.

Notice that I put an extra roof awing over the kitchen window. I did that because the original roof didn't come out as flat on the wall as I wanted it. So I added an additional roof over it. I kind of like the additional whimsy of the double roof.

Close-up of the exterior front door. A note here, I made my own windows using the directions provided by the DIY instructions. All my windows have owls and cats ( for kitchen) in them. The front door has two little owls. I'm not sure you can see them really well but there are two owl flower pots by Alison Pierce on the front porch too. I love her little owl pots.

You can see the owl windows and the owl pots better in this shot. There are also acorn birdhouses in the tree supports that I got in swap. I made my trees white with blue accents because I wanted them to be different from other houses.

Lady of Whimsy
Got a doll from Fern Rouleau in a swap and thought she looked just right for the Whimsical House. Thank you Fern.

Before I go on to describe the yard, I took a couple close-up photos of the windows. The kitchen has cat windows and above are owl windows in the bedroom.

Over the porch in the bath room are both owl windows.

This is the window in the upper part of the living room. Also note the stone chimney with smoke coming out.

This was supposed to be of the patio on this side of the front door but it is the only one showing the living room window from the outside.

Another yard photo but it's the only one showing the window next to the fire place. I will say here that I had some unusual plant material that I'd bought over the years and thought they might go well in the Whimsical house yard. I think these were blades of grass that someone put little red and white bead flowers on.

This is the outside kitchen door. The little garden was created from the spru from Alison Pierce's little fairy bath tub. I thought it was neat looking so I saved it, painted the towers green and put Bunka flowers on them. I put a strip of stone paper around the sides and painted the bottom brown.

Another vies of the kitchen steps and door. I made the stair rails from Tiny Turnings with edging from Karen Cary trims.

In this view you can barley see the owl window in the back door.

This shows an overview of the yard in front of the kitchen.

There are a bird bath, a swap fountain that I dunked the plastic water into tiny glass bubble beads to make the water look frothy, a glazing ball, and three unicorns playing in the yard.

Under the window is a shelf by Jean Day. I put tiny shells that I collected from the Caribbean when I visited there years ago. 

Near the house is Alison Pierce's fairy tub sitting on marble stone & includes bubble bath. Next to the tub is a Karen Cary table with a towel, bubble bath containers and wine. Next to that is a little white patio set by Pam Junk.

One last photo of this side of the yard. Note the two birdhouses. One on top of the privacy fence with a Mini Gems gold finch sitting next to it and the one on the pole in the yard with the two Mini Gem's chipmunks.

Oops! One more of the bird house and tiny chipmunks. Barbara Myer claims she never made QS chipmunks but she did because I have two of them in this project. I never saw them that small again though. 

This is the other side yard. The table and chairs are from Jean Day. The pond was a swap and the birdbath has a tiny Mini Gems robin in it.

Another view of this patio. Now you are probably noticing the Caladium leaves that are too large for this scale. I decided that since this house is fantasy, that the Caladium can represent the giant elephant ear plants that we used to have in Florida. They are a similar shape but more colorful then elephant ears which are basically just green.

Now you've seen the outside of the house so we will start on the inside. This is the overview of the inside.

The first room I started was the kitchen. I have this cat wallpaper that I fell in love with. I did alter it by making all the the cat eyes green. It is an unfinished view of the kitchen. The appliances are an inexpensive plastic kitchen by MBS. I added cat cut outs on all the furnishings.

This is the unfinished left side of the kitchen. Note the Alison Pierce owl flower pot with a tomato plant in it. It turned out so adorable I bought several more owl pots to paint up differently for different projects.

I made the cat rug and the table is by Karen Cary. I added the cat design window and put finishing touches to counter tops and table.

A better view of the right side of the kitchen. You can see more detail of the furnishings.

This view taken after the house was completed

Another view after the house was completed.

The bathroom was the next room I worked on. The wallpaper has owls in trees. The background is blue but the owls in the trees are purple so I used that for the bathroom colors.

This photo taken after the house was completed and has the lighting in the bathroom and windows installed.

The entry was next because I didn't think it would be easy to reach once the living room was started. I made the rug for the entry.

A close-up of the entry.

I installed the lighting and made benches from some of the park benches by Karen Cary. Also put in flower pots and hung photos with custom frames.

A view of the left side of the entry.

I hung some wall art on the wall between the entry and the kitchen. Frames again are custom.

This finished entry was taken after the house was completed.

Now, I started working on the living room and dining rooms. I put in the fireplace and made a fire in the fireplace, hence the smoke coming out of the chimney.

By now I'd put in the windows. I covered the sofa and love seat with whimsical fabric and made matching lamps. I also created the rug.

Originally I was thinking of putting the dining room upstairs but then realized I had enough room downstairs next to the kitchen. The living and dining room furniture are by JBM.

Took a quick photo before I started on the second floor. I used Mini Etcher's shelf in the living room/dining room.

A better overview of living and dining rooms.

Living and dining room.

Overview of the first floor.

Overview of the first floor.


Close-up of dining room table with flowers in coffee pot.

Another view of the stairs going to second floor.

Living room with some additional touches. A cat asleep on the hearth. A working light in the corner because the overhead lights weren't enough. And a non working lamp on the bookshelf.

Different views to show more details.

Different views to show more details.

Different views to show more details.

At this point I had to put the roofing on so I could finish the second floor.

I added a cat bed to the room. The furniture is again by JBM. Mini Etcher's clock ended up on the bedroom.

Notice the cat on the bed.

Wasn't sure if I should add photos/paintings to the walls but they looked so empty without them so I added them.

Finally, I made a game room for the second room on the second floor. Notice the cat tree next to the wall with two cats on it.

The room also contains a pool table, two tables that were made by Ginger Landon Siegal that hold a chess game box that I made, and a small table that has tarot cards and a crystal ball on it.
I hope you've enjoyed your tour of my whimsical house. If you would like any of the JBM Whimsical furniture, I still have kits available. Just e-mail me. Once they are gone I won't be able to get them anymore.

Page Created: 3/8/2024   Updated 4/7/2024


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