Dedicated to the Glory of God


Crockett House 2020
For Sale $600
This Quarter Scale house kit was made by Stephen Giles and given to me by my good friend Nancy Faye Roach-Meisner for Christmas 2019.
I worked on it during January/February 2020. The house is mostly furnished by swaps I've gotten over the years.
Modeled after a historic home in Chula Vista, Ca, this Victorian, named for the builder, a native of Abbott, Maine was built in 1893. Crockett, a carpenter probably built this house for his family.

Crockett House

Crockett House

Crockett House

Four room house
Four room house

Kitchen, breakfast nook and dining room
The little shelf on the wall slipped so we decided that the house is next to a RR and that is why the shelf is crooked.
Kitchen, breakfast nook and dining room
Kitchen, breakfast nook and dining room
Downstairs living room and music room
Downstairs living room and music room
and game room with the pool table in the middle.
and game room with the pool table in the middle.
Upstairs Bedroom 1
Upstairs Bedroom 1
Upstairs Bedroom 1 Upstairs bedroom and sitting room suite
Upstairs bedroom and sitting room suite
Upstairs bedroom and sitting room suite
I got two QS orchards in a swap from Linda Austin this year and I put them in the kitchen window of the Crockett House. Orchards in kitchen window Crockett House Landscaped
Crockett House Landscaped
Crockett House Landscaped
Crockett House Landscaped

144 Art Deco House - 2020
For Sale $200
I bought this little Art Deco off e-bay last October. It was an easy build for the house but decorating, not so much. The living room
furnishings came from SDK Miniatures. The rest of the furnishings, I put together myself.

Art Deco House 2020 - Front
Art Deco Back overview
Back overview
Art Deco Bedroom view1
I didn't glue the roof on so that people could see inside better. This is the bedroom.
Art Deco Bedroom view2
Bedroom view 2

Art Deco Bedroom view3
Bedroom view 3

Office, note the laptop computer on the desk and the smart phone.
Office, note the laptop computer on the desk and the smart phone.

Office, Large screen TV on wall and reclinger.
Office, Large screen TV on wall and reclinger.

Office - another view
Office - another view

Office- Final view
Office- Final view
Dinning Room -1
Dinning Room -1
Dinning room - 2
Dinning room - 2
Dinning Room - 3
Dinning Room - 3
Living Room 1
Living Room 1
Living Room 2
Living Room 2
Living Room 3
Living Room 3
This was my first Art Deco House.

Lisa's Owl 2020 Not for Sale
My friend Lisa, surprised me with a cute owl to sit on a shelf. It had an open body and I though
it would be fun to put some shelves in it or something like that. I ended up putting a back on
the owl and covering it with fabric similar to the burlap it was already covered with.
I went to one of the online shows and bought 4 shelves of owls from Ginger Landon-Seigel &
also a steam punk owl which I'd never seen one like it before.

Lisa's Owl

Inside Lisa's Owl
Inside Lisa's Owl

Revised 7/20/2024

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