Grace's Projects
Dedicated to the Glory of God

The Baltimore Block, Half Scale 1:24 Baltimore Row House  2006
by Grace Shaw, 2006
For Sale $2000

     It all started when Gerry Schipper gave Grace the Christmas gift (12/2005) of the 2006 Maryland State Day. The state day project was a Baltimore Row house. While talking with her husband, Jim, Grace asked, "What will I do with a row house?" Jim suggested a crack house. Well, that will be different, thought Grace. So she decided to go ahead with the project.
      When the Crack House was almost complete, Grace asked if there were any more of the Baltimore Row house kits. A member of the MD State Day committee, told her no. But later, she called and said there were two partial kits left that no one else wanted. Grace took one and gave one to Gerry for her Animal House Pet Shop.
      Grace decided to do a House of Ill Repute as her second house. Then someone said, all you need is a bar and adult book store and you will have the Block. Since there were no more house kits available, Grace asked if there was still one of the foam brick fronts left, and there was. She purchased that from the MD State Day committee along with some windows and doors. She got Jim to cut her the wooden parts, the front, downstairs wall, and foyer door. The rest, Grace cut herself. She made the bar in the  downstairs and the adult book store upstairs. Thus, the (tongue in cheek) replica of the infamous Baltimore Block was born.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Front View

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Graffiti on side

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Graffiti on side

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
The Bum

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
The D.E.A. Agent

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Marijuana Plants on the roof

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Back View

The Crack House

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Bedroom & Bathroom

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Close-up of bedroom

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Stoned naked Guy in tub

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Notice the grass in the top shelf of the bookshelf, money in the second shelf & heroin in the bottom

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Living room & Kitchen

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
You can't see it in the photo but there is steam coming off the burnt crack that the stoned naked guy forgot

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
"Snitches Die"

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Notice the gun on the table.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
If you look closely, there are the tiny crack bottles they sell on the street, a line of coke ready to snort, money and syringes on the table.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
The guard dogs, rotweiler & pit bull were made by Cheri Stewart.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Though it's hard to see into the foyer, you can see the gun on the table by the door

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
The D.E.A. getting ready to break down the door while the stoned naked guy takes his soak.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Rotweiler guarding the window

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Bar/Adult Book store

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
The book store was raided by the police.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Thus, the crime scene tape. The police always leave a mess!

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
The bar with bar tender and drunk at the bar.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
The "live adult entertainment" is downstairs.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Just a hint of what's going on in the basement.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Coat rack and umbrella stand in the foyer. Notice the crime scene tape.

      House of Ill Repute

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Downstairs waiting room.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
"Lady" of the house taking a smoke break.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
If you closely, you can see the handcuffs on the bed.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Clock in the foyer.

The Baltimore Block bu Grace
Notice the painted screens famous in the Baltimore Row House.

Thank you for visiting the infamous Baltimore Block. I hope you enjoyed this project as much as I had fun making it. A tongue in check view of Baltimore's infamous history.

Page revised 6/27/2017

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